Sevna Somuncuoğlu was born in 1962, graduated from TED Ankara College in 1980 and from Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Fine Arts in 1984. Before 1980 she was an activist for human rights but after 1980 she focused on women human rights.
She has worked in civil society organizations for more than 30 years and she has designed and implemented workshops, projects and campaigns. She has held different positions - as director, project coordinator, founder, board member, consultant, trainer- in independent feminist associations and foundations. She wrote modules, gave trainings and moderated workshops on “Human Rights”, “Women’s Human Rights”, “History of Women Movement”, “Discrimination”, “Advocacy and Lobbying”, “Gender Mainstreaming”, Communication Strategy”, “Strategic Planning”, “How to Run a CSO”.
After 2015, she founded the Demir Leblebi Women’s Association that works on women’s peace, culture of peace, peace building, conflict resolution, conflict transformation, and nonviolence. She wrote modules and training booklets on peace and continues to give seminars, trainings.
Moreover, she is working as a communication expert, film director and script writer for MG Communication Strategies Agency.