Ayşe Berktay

She is translator, writer, politician, peace and women's liberation struggle activist. Born in İstanbul in 1955. Studied architecture in METU. Has been involved in the struggle for freedom, equality, justice and socialism since her university years. She was abroad as a political refugee in 1981-1993. Translating, which she believes has a mission of constructing bridges between peoples and languages of the world, occupies a special place in her life. Since 1993, she has been actively involved in women's struggle for freedom / feminist struggle, worked in facing up to the past, social movements, and in expanding the social base of peace, participation and justice. She was part of the NO TO WAR IN IRAQ Coordination in Turkey and in the global anti-war movement which developed within the World Social Forum. She is one of the initiators and coordinators of the WORLD TRIBUNAL ON IRAQ (WTI). She was part of the Diyarbakır Prison Truth and Justice Commission. She is in the Women's Peace Initiative and Women's Freedom Assembly.

Ayşe is an activist of Tevgera Jinen Azad (Women's Freedom Movement). She is a member of Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Party Assembly and Coordination of HDP Women's Assembly.