Yakın Ertürk

Yakın Ertürk is a retired professor of sociology, Middle East Technical University, Ankara. Most recently she served as Global Visiting Associate at Rutgers University, the Center for Women’s Global Leadership. Her other professional experiences include: consultancies for national and international agencies on rural development projects; employment as director of UNDAW (United Nations Division for The Advancement of Women) and INSTRAW (United Nations International Research and Training Institute for The Advancement of Women); international and regional human rights monitoring mandates, including special rapporteur on violence against women. Her recent publications include: Violence without Borders: Paradigm, Policy and Praxis Concerning Violence against Women (2016); Feminist Advocacy, Family Law Reform and Violence against Women (Co-editor, Routledge 2019); “Political Economy of Peace Processes and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda.” Forthcoming. Conflict, Security and Development. She is the founding member of the Turkish Antenna of Mediterranean Women’s Mediation Network. 

Halen Haziran 2013’te kurucu üyesi olduğu, İltica ve Göç Araştırma Merkezi Derneği’nin (IGAM) yönetim kurulu üyesidir.